Cumbernauld- Airdrie - Coatbridge - Hamilton - Belfast
Interested in renting a property
in Cumbernauld , Airdrie,
Coatbridge, Hamilton or Belfast?
Here's how we can help !
We at Freestyle Homes pride ourselves on taking the time to get to know each and every tenant individually and strive to meet all their varied needs and wishes. We're ready to provide you with quality properties owned by registered landlords and we offer a friendly yet professional letting experience to you and your family. We insist all our landlords to be professional in the maintenance of their houses and all properties are in pristine condition.
From the first walk-through to the final signing of the papers, we will be with you every step of the way taking the stress out of your move. Our experienced agents are ready to help you achieve your goal of renting a house you can call your own!
Take the next step in achieving your dream home by either calling our team on the number below for an informal chat about your needs, or e-mail using the details below.
All tenancy agreements will be subject to previous landlord references and thorough credit checks .
Accommodation and Prices:
3 Bedroom H ​ou ​e, 115 Stonyle 2Roa2d, Cumbernauld
3 Bedroom flat
Parnell Street, Airdrie
795 pcm
If I Have A Good Job, Why Do I Need A Guarantor?
In case you are unable, for any reason, to fulfill the terms of your lease, a Guarantor can step in and handle your affairs. For example, if you were to become sick or incapacitated, a Guarantor would be called upon to look after your property, carry out your responsibilities under the lease or wind down your affairs and return the property to us in a legal fashion.
Contact us today:
Email -
LARN: 1909026
Cumbernauld - Airdrie - Coatbridge - Hamilton - Belfast